Kyiv Polytechnic seeks partners to participate in projects under EU programmes
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Popytechnic Institute is endeavoring to extend international contacts and participate in international projects. The University is poised to give a big boost to project proposals aimed at sharing experience, developing new research tools and methods, applying new technologies to education (including online learning techniques), fostering multilateral academic exchange, and elaborating a framework for long-term cooperation in:
• Cutting-edge technologies in informatics, mechanical engineering, chemistry, and materials science
• Information networks and ICT
• Energy saving and the development of energy-efficient technologies;
• Environmental monitoring and protection
• The elimination of the consequences of nuclear and man-made disasters
• Aerospace technologies
• Research in human resource management
• Medical engineering
• Systems analysis and decision-making
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute takes a keen interest in establishing joint units with authoritative international organizations and partner universities.
We are seeking partners to participate in projects within the framework of Erasmus+ (KA1 and KA2), Jean Monnet, Horizon Europe, and other EU programmes.
Today the University is an autonomous research fully accredited institution at level IV. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is entitled to engage in educational activity in order to offer a wide range of BSc, MSc, Ph.D., and DSc programs.
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute has over 500 professors and 1,300 associate professors to support more than 25,000 students, including international students, registered on full- or part-time degree programs. Over 230,000 engineers have graduated from Kyiv Polytechnic. More than 6,000 graduates of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute are working in 112 countries.
Spanning an area of 160 hectares, the University campus offers approximately 30,000 people an exciting environment to work, study, or practice sports. The University has its own Center of Culture and Arts, which hosts 13 creative teams of students and professors. Supported by their enthusiasm, curiosity, and energy, the Center holds exhibitions, concerts, performances, and art competitions.
The University is recognized for its close and fruitful cooperation with research institutes of the National Academy of Sciences, the sectoral academies of Sciences, and Ukrainian enterprises.
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute boasts a unique innovative ecosystem which includes the Kyivska Polytechnika Science Park, the Sikorsky Challenge startup school, the Sikorsky Challenge annual festival of startups, the Business Incubator, the Supercomputing Center, the Kyiv Polytechnic’s Noosphere Engineering School, the Academy of Network and Information Technology (established in conjunction with the Huawei Ukraine company), and scientific schools at departments.
It is worth noting Kyiv Polytechnic’s role in reaching out to those of the younger generation interested in science and innovation. The Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the University organize joint events such as olympiads, national and international youth competitions, and joint research activities that combine the creative abilities of their members. Junior Academy members conduct research under the supervision of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute to find innovative solutions for current and future problems facing society.
Integration into international research is the strategic direction of University’s development. In 2006 Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was among the very first in Ukraine to introduce the Bologna Process and pursue the policy “Education – Science – Innovation.” University’s participation in 21 TEMPUS projects was a major factor in its progress.
The University has two National Contact Points for the EU’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme, centers of in-depth cooperation for several countries, including Poland, France, Japan, and China, and the Center for International Education. The University offers 10 double degree MSc programs. In conjunction with the Kyiv affiliate of the Boeing Corporation, the University has launched a dual training program for young instructors, which is implemented at the Boeing representative office in Ukraine.
The University has extensive experience in programmes such as Horizon 2020, NATO Science for Peace and Security, NAWA, Erasmus+, Fulbright, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the International Visegrad Fund, and others.
Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute cooperates with universities around the world, international organizations such as UNESCO, UNIDO, WIPO, NATO, EDNES, ICSU, CODATA, etc., and corporations such as MOTOROLA, BOEING, SIEMENS, FESTO, SAMSUNG, INTEL, etc. The University is extensively involved in international scientific, educational, and social projects (see Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute International Projects).
Currently, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is carrying out 64 projects with 25 European countries under the Erasmus+ Programme (KA1) (see major Erasmus+ projects with the participation of Kyiv Polytechnic).
International Projects Office
Associate Prof. Artem Sazonov
Tel.: +380 44 2048019 Email:
Postal address: International Collaboration Department, 37 Beresteiskyi Avenue, Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine