Team of Igor Sikorsky KPI won the cybersecurity competition Space Heroes CTF

The dcua team of the Educational and Research Laboratory of Technical Information Protection of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, having gained 49,000 rating points, took first place in the international Space Heroes CTF competition. The dcua team, led by Mykola Ilyin, associate professor of the KPI Information Security Department, who is also[…]

Synergy of international cooperation at the ХІI Festival of Innovation Projects “Sikorsky Challenge 2023″

The 4BIZ project was showcased at the XII International Festival of Innovative Projects “Sikorsky Challenge 2023” on October 25, 2023, in the section “International grant projects and start-ups of foreign universities/organizations – SCU partners”, as well as in the Discussion Panel on Blue Economy. The 4BIZ Showcase agenda can be[…]

RM Roadmap Knowledge and Community Platform – How to engage on the new EARMA online co-creation space

RM Roadmap: European project on research management The CESAER association of universities of science and technology in Europe, of which Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is a member, invites all those interested in the topic of research management to take part in an awareness-raising event that will take place on Monday,[…]