What we do
The International Project Office provides support for Kyiv Polytechnic’s international activities including:
- promoting participation in the programs of multilateral interstate and inter-university exchange of students, graduate students, postgraduates, and academics;
- facilitating raising funds from international foundations, institutions, and public organizations, among others, to implement scientific programs at the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute;
- organizing joint scientific programs with international universities, scientific institutions, and organizations;
- managing the participation of the University and its departments in international scientific-technical and educational projects, and programs (search, preparation, control and enforcement, accounting, audit, and the analysis of outcomes);
- participating in the development of the strategy for the University’s transformation to the model of the international educational-scientific, innovative, and information complex at the European level;
- applying the principles and mechanisms of international expertise in University activities;
- organizing a network of international offices where heads of departments serve as the driving forces of the development of international activity;
- developing the activities of National Contact Points for Horizon Europe;
- interacting with international and national university rankings agencies;
- raising funds at the expense of international educational programs to develop the University infrastructure;
- creating an environment conducive to the development of the University’s international activities;
- stimulating international scientific-technical and foreign economic activities, inter-university cooperation, and other forms of international contacts at the levels of the Rector’s Office, other departments, and bodies of student self-government, as well as at the individual level;
- promoting the development of ties and contacts between the University and government agencies of Ukraine, its missions abroad, public associations, international scientific institutions, companies, scientific-technical establishments, and foundations in terms of international scientific and technological cooperation;
- encouraging research at the University in areas and projects geared to promote international scientific and technological cooperation.
Our team
Associate Prof. Artem SAZONOV, IPO Head
a.sazonov@kpi.uaProf. Sazonov’s areas of responsibility include:
- Overall planning of project activities at University departments
- Stimulation of activities to extend the participation of the University in international educational and research programs
- Advice on procedures for drawing up and submitting international projects
- Regulation of the dissemination of relevant information in the area of international cooperation and project activities to University departments
Dr. Angela PIATOVA, IPO Senior Expert
a.piatova@kpi.uaDr. Piatova’s areas of responsibility include:
- Monitoring and analysis of international research and educational programs (information search, support in making an application, enforcement, record keeping, analyzing the results)
- Activities of the National Contact Point “Climate Action, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials” for Horizon Europe, operating at the University
- Advice on procedures for drawing up and submitting international projects
Liudmyla VLASIUK, IPO Expert
l.vlasiuk@kpi.uaLiudmyla’s areas of responsibility include:
- Monitoring and analysis of international research and educational programs
- Advice on procedures for drawing up and submitting international projects within research and educational international programs
Olena KIZUB, IPO Expert
elenakizub@ukr.netOlena’s areas of responsibility include:
- Office management
- Advice on procedures for drawing up and submitting international projects within ERASMUS+
- In-house registration of educational international projects with the IPO
- Technical support of National Contact Points for Horizon Europe, operating at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
Olga SULEMA, IPO Expert
olga.sulema@ukr.netOlga’s areas of responsibility include:
- Advice on procedures for drawing up and submitting international projects within research and educational international programs
- Monitoring and analysis of international research and educational programs (Horizon Europe, NATO SPS, EUREKA, Fulbright)
- Activities of the National Contact Point “Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area” for Horizon Europe, operating at the University
Anna BIDNYUK, IPO Expert
anna_bidnyuk@ukr.netAnna’s areas of responsibility include:
- Support of cooperation with Poland
- Communications with institutions, organizations, and enterprises based in the Republic of Poland
- Ukrainian-Polish Center website management (updating the contents of the website, dissemination of information about Center’s activities through the website and other media)
- Communications with the KPI Students’ Section in Poland (Sekcja Wychowankow Politechniki Kijowskei)
- Communications with the Polish Institute in Kyiv, Representative Office of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kyiv, newspaper Dziennik Kijowski, Union of Poles in Ukraine (Zwiazek Polakow na Ukrainie), Poles’ Union in Kyiv (Zwazek Polakow miasta Kijowa), and the Perspektywy Education Foundation
- Communications with the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange NAWA (Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej)
- Providing employment for international academics and volunteers, as well as formalizing their status in Ukraine
Volodymyr SYTIN, International Relations Officer
v.sytin@kpi.uaVolodymyr’s areas of responsibility include:
- Translation of scientific, technical, socio-political, economic and other specialized literature; documents; correspondence with international institutions and enterprises; as well as proceedings of conferences, meetings, seminars, etc.
- Editing and analysis of the English-language contents of International Collaboration Department websites (IPO, NCP, UPC, UNESCO Chair)
- Support of the organization of international delegation visits to University
- Support of cooperation with the Task Force Benchmark at the CESAER association (Conference of European Schools for Advanced Engineering Education and Research)